
fire angel

Currently providing: 6 poems


Love is when you look into the eyes of someone, and you look deep down into their soul--
no words are needed to be spoken, you just know--insanely...That is love.

Love is when you hold the hand of someone, and you can feel comfort and happiness creep deep down inside their soul--only emotion is spoken; no words are needed, and you just know--carelessly...That is love.

Love is when you kiss the lips of someone, and your soul is shattered like glass on an empty room's floor. You go numb and your security is raped free of independence, just as if you stand face to face with a stranger named Hope, who only comes around when he wants. You already know--strangely...That is love.

Love is the green stained eyes, chalky hands, and the sharp mouth of a dragonfly that spreads it's wings to suck you in too near. Love is not spoken by those who have experienced it--they just know...That is love.

The Emptiest Feeling

I sit alongside the dark seashore
allowing my thoughts to be drained, out of my mind again.
Resting my body upon the frosted sand.
Hovering onward and above, a seagull;
weeping cries of discomfort and pain.
Distress haunts my sense of being alone;
squeezing and caressing my tiresome body,
As I slip away into Distress's coarse arms.
Distress only comes when I am as one and alone,
and leaves when Fullness is close by.

Life and I

I sing a song of treason;
reason, wonder, and why;
answers, questions, explanations,
memories: good ones and awful ones.
Stories and legends are loudly wailed from within by body.
They scream the heroes and saviors of many.

I sing a song of memory;
treasures of my lost loved ones
Whose winded breath comforts my forgetting skin,
bringing back the rememberance
by haunting and draining my soul,
frightening all of my sorrow away forever.

With courageous melody and stunning projection,
I sing a song of bravery,
confronting my enemy called Fear; abusive and drunk,
who visits me often, and leaves me hurt,
but only after my battle is won.

I sing a song of hope.
It will sooner or later complete me,
filling itself with details and covering it's scars.
Bandaging emptiness and replacing with fullness; hope.
Waiting helplessly and nervously alone in this world.

With tears and happiness, insane mumbles,
I sing a song of confrontation,
struggling with life itself.
Now understanding each other, with respect,
Life and I walk hand in hand,
helping each other throughout the journey;
moving on and receiving security.


Wrongly tearing her heart to pieces;
the heart that has done no harm.
Slashing ruts and slicing scars,
gashing and shredding her muscled arms.
The streaming tears of pain and distress,
slipping and flowing down her fragile skin.
She was being violated and pried apart.
Her master was guilty of wrongful sin.

Burning, wind blew over her battered body,
the reason is still unknown.
Her soul was drained and robbed of freedom.
She was only human and not anything to own.
No more shall feel her hurt and sorrow
or shed the tears of oppression.
The master has died over all these years,
he rests below this heavenly earth, without confession.

You can still feel the young woman's cry
when the harsh wind rips away at your flesh:
bitter, torturing, clawing, and forgiving.
Slavery is gone and will never be refreshed.
The scars of the innocent slaves and workers
are shown in everyone's heart.
Remembering the sound forever and always,
violation of liberty; torn completely apart.


Lying in bed I think of his death.
I lie here and wander how he has been.
As I choke and gasp I can't catch my breath.
A cold breeze blows over my skin.
I'm sure he's okay with God on her side,
up in the heavens without pain or fear,
and up and away from hurt, want, and pride.
I try to stay calm and not shed a tear.
I hear his voice echo every now and then,
But I can't distinguish what the words mean.
The feeling of loss runs through me again,
my soul is drained and yet far from clean.
This pain I feel, I'm forced to fight it,
Until the day when we are reunited.


Sadness is drained and overcome.
Tears are of hope and joyfulness.
The softness of his hands
bleed into my dreams;
comforting my breath
and taking away my fear.
His eyes are loud music to my soul;
alive and as silver as the moon itself.
His smile is hypnotizing;
cursing my thoughts of everything.
His breath in my ear;
clenching security around; cold.
Melting words into my skin.
Laughing and free again.
Not wanting anything but...
addicted to his every move.
Watching his motions in awe.
Hearing the vision of togetherness;
Loud and piercing; very kind.
Always there looking into his soul; through his mirrored eyes,
Seeing love; and wanting it to stay forever.

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