Martial Arts
snake and warrior


If you are here you must be really bored or you have at least some curiosity in the martial arts. Now, i am obviously not someone who can actually teach you anything of course, but i can show you a few things that might be fun (such as to impress someone). That is not the reason or idea of martial arts but who cares, if you just want to learn it for show then that is your own perogative right? After a while, if you really get into it then you may develop another reason for learning it but until then, have some fun man!

Okay, shall we get started then? I guess the better question would be, where do we start? I guess it would be best if i just left that up to you. So, just click on the what you would like to see and enjoy.

Martial Arts Dictionary Clinking on this link will take you to a martial arts dictionary...imagine that.

Coreographed Fight Scenes Clicking here will take you to a page that has some descriptions of a few fight scenes some good friends and myself have come up with. You could have some real fun with these, and trust me, after you practice at least one of these and get good... you will love it! So try it out.

Techniques This will take you to a list of different techniques that i have read information on or have gathered for the website (and for myself). This probably the most reliable once since some of the information is from an actual source instead of me.

Basic Moves This page has (basic) moves from a hip toss to a leg throw...all of these are from a good source and are very easy to learn and only a little harder to execute if you pick a good one. Try them, they're easy and fun, what more can you ask for...But beware, you or whomever you're "playing" with better be ready to get hurt if you're not very careful. YOU WERE WARNED!

My Ideas and Views Now you know i had to get my views and ideas on here, that's the whole point of having your own website right? Well, this page is to tell you some of the stuff i do and the way i think about some of this stuff. Obviously i have at least a little bit to say since i have a few pages on just martial arts...but i am going to be talking about stunts, and all that good stuff.

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